Monday, January 23, 2012

Thank you Good Morning America!

We had a wonderful experience with the Good Morning America crew on Sunday 1/22/2012. Everyone showed up on time, were efficient, and great to work with. We were especially excited to meet Bianna Golodryga, who flew down from New York to interview us. It was a whirlwind experience from first being contacted by GMA two weeks ago to having a crew in our house! Thanks to Parenting Magazine for helping us spread the word that we are looking for a sibling for Noah! We're hoping Noah finds a sibling through this great source of getting the word out!


Anonymous said...

When will/did this air? I'd love to see it! Best of luck in your journey...

Melissa and Seth Adoption said...

We're hoping this will air on Wednesday, but we won't know for sure until it happens.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep my eyes peeled for it...Thanks! My husband and I are planning to begin our journey to adopt in March and your story inspires us. I look forward to seeing the piece.